Hello my loves! So this is going to be more of a blogging/how we are doing, I will be posting pictures of some items that I complete. If you would like to see all of my completed items please check out our facebook page at www.facebook.com/AydensGifts!
So in the past couple of months, I have been busy painting away, being a wife and a mother! Some difficulties emotionally with Mother's Day approaching as it just so happens to fall on Ayden's due date. I am trying to be strong for Stephen (hubs) and for Chloe (daughter)...
This past weekend we went to FDIC, a firefighter conference galore! Stephen was in heaven, with all the toys and I followed away, learning more than I thought I would! But along the way we met some amazing people...
Stephen came up to me about two months ago and asked if I could make a plate for a fellow firefighter's brother who passed away. Well I jumped right on it, anything to help. It didn't hurt that Willie's brother, Jack, loved Carolina (TARHEELS!) and we snooped and found Willie had quoted one of my favorite songs (Paper Airplane by Alison Krauss and the Union Station). Ok we had help from Willie's fellow blogger and fireman Rhett as well (I will get to that in a bit!) So I created a unique symbol of both the UNC logo and Tarheel logo. With the lyrics "How many days should I smile with a frown, because you're not around with the sun on your shoulders..." (perfect right???)
Flash forward to FDIC, we get there Friday, look around and got ready for the stair climb...
The stair climb is for the 343 firemen and women who had their last call on 9/11. Symbolically climbing 110 stories of stairs (woven throughout Lucas Oil Stadium). Since I didn't participate in the stair climb (due to my back), I staged myself and took tons of pictures and encouraged everyone participating.

So after the 9/11 Memorial stair climb, we went and showered and headed off to the meet up! At the meet up, Rhett (awesome guy!), came over and got every one's attention so we could present Jack's plate to Willie! I couldn't talk in front of everyone, so Stephen did it for me, and I got teary eyed with his words. When we presented Willie with his brother's plate, I was both overcome with joy, seeing how much he loved it, but also deeply saddened because I know the feeling of loss. We brought Willie to tears, which brought me to tears. I do believe a good majority of the house were in tears... I don't meet (in person) a lot of the people I paint for, but seeing the emotion in Willie's eyes in some of the pictures, and Willie telling us many times, how thankful and appreciative he is of his plate, really helps me find my way through difficult times...

Rhett is the main reason we were able to provide Willie with this small act of kindness. Rhett has been blogging and firefighting for awhile, and his heart is full of kindness and he's just an amazing guy! Rhett was able to help us figure out what exactly to paint for Willie (and keep it a secret!)
One of the big things we did Friday night was "Pass the Boot", its a passing of a fireman's boot to raise money for a cause. The cause was Sons of the Flag Burn Foundation. They are a non profit foundation (headed by a former Navy Seal, Nathan) providing not only information, and support, but innovative treatments for burn survivors and their families. In less than an hour, Willie, Rhett and everyone else raised over $700! I talked to Robbie a burn survivor that Sons of the Flag are helping, and I was brought to tears once again... Zane is another member of Sons of the Flag, we talked of tattoos, and helping everyone...
I could honestly go on and on about the amazing people I met, the friendships I made, and the experience I had...and I probably will, but for now I am going to do some shout outs in hopes that you will pass on the information to anyone you know that these items and amazing people could help!
FireCam (a special video camera made especially for firemen in the heat of their job!)
website! facebook page! MN8 Foxfire (this awesome glow in the dark tape, helmet strap, etc)
website! facebook page!Phenix Fire Helmets (fire helmets that are awesome especially their special Autism Awareness one!)
website! facebook page! Firefighter Wife (a blog for firefighter wives!)
website! facebook page!The Fire Critic (Rhett's blog!)
website! facebook page!Wooden Ladders and Iron Firemen (Willie's blog!)
website! facebook page!Sons of the Flag Burn Foundation (mentioned above!)
website! facebook page!The Pig (forcible entry tool!)
website! facebook page!AND!!!! Team Hunter! (a page to support Hunter, who was diagnosed with CP and loves firefighting!)
facebook page!OK so I probably forgot some (I blame lack of sleep!) and if I think of more then I will add some... but check out the facebook pages or the websites, pass it along...but remember to be kind and show love to not only each other but to yourselves as well! love to you all! always Erin